Price: $1,195

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  • Rachet-operated tire straps
  • Vehicle security chains
  • 142 1/4" long
  • 101 1/2" wide
  • Max Load: 3,450 lbs. when towing a front-wheel drive vehicle, 3,900 lbs. when towing a rear-wheel drive vehicle.
  • Empty weight: 750 lbs.
  • Your towing vehicle: must weigh at least 750 lbs more than vehicle being towed
  • Your towing vehicle: 4-way flat light connector
  • Your towing vehicle: must have Class 2 tow hitch (3,500 lbs. minimum weight-carrying rating)
  • Your towing vehicle: must have 1-7/8” or 2” hitch ball (3,500 lbs minimum)
  • Maximum recommended speed is 55 MPH